Monday, May 22, 2006

Exciting News From Cutting Block Press!

I'm thrilled to announce the availability of two excellent horror anthologies. The Horror Library's own R.J. Cavender and Boyd E. Harris invited me to co-edit the collections. You'll read the best work of talented writers from all over the world. While you wait for the books to arrive, cut the branches away from your bedroom window. Prepare for a sleepless night. Brew a big pot of coffee and snuggle up under a cozy blanket. Have candles handy if it's a stormy night.

Go to Cutting Block Press to see whose stories are included and other details. I vouch for these collections. Any serious fan of horror and dark fiction would be proud to own these beauties! ~~Clara Chandler

P.S. I just learned that for a few days, SHIPPING WILL BE WAIVED! So grab your copy for the lowest possible price before R.J.'s generous offer ends. ~~CC

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